This blog represents my views on Youth, Popular Culture & Texts created for assessment purposes for one of my courses in the Masters in Education (Teacher Librarianship) post graduate qualification with the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). It aims to tell a story about what youth find popular in relation to texts and why they choose to read what they do, it also investigates the impacts of popular culture on youth. Youth (for the purposes of the course) have been defined as people aged between 12-25 years however, my reflections mainly relate to those whom I work with who include high school students aged between 12-18 years.

This is by no means a comprehensive account of ‘what’ is deemed popular by youth today when it comes to texts and ‘new media’. It is merely a culmination of firsthand experience in a high school library combined with literary explorations to help tell the story. I hope you enjoy and, more importantly, take the time to provide comments that enhance my understanding of the topic.